Royal Canadian Navy RCN love

Royal Canadian Navy RCN


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  • AND WHEREAS the Royal Canadian Navy RCN was the navy of Canada until 1968 when the three Canadian armed services were unified to form the Canadian Forces, and the modern Canadian navy has been known as Canadian Forces Maritime Command since unification, but still refers to itself unofficially as the "navy" and maintains many RCN traditions;

    Archive 2007-04-01 2007

  • AND WHEREAS the Royal Canadian Navy RCN was the navy of Canada until 1968 when the three Canadian armed services were unified to form the Canadian Forces, and the modern Canadian navy has been known as Canadian Forces Maritime Command since unification, but still refers to itself unofficially as the "navy" and maintains many RCN traditions;

    Petition to reinstate the RCN and RCAF 2007

  • Much of the burden of fighting the Battle of the Atlantic fell to the Royal Canadian Navy RCN.

    May 4: Battle of the Atlantic Sunday 2008


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